Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Three cups of tea

Today in English, we were reading two pages repeatedly of a book called Three cups of tea. In here, I am going to write five words that I don't really understand, including the meaning from my research.

Words + Meaning:

1. Purity = Someone's   
2. Tarnished = When it's really cold theres moisture on windows, example, if you theres a tarnished window.
3. Vigilance = Looking for hard or dangerous things
4. Sophistication = When some one have there attitude and think complicatedly
5. Hewn = It means to chop something 

Monday, 20 June 2011

Reasons of why we have to do our homework?

In this post, I will tell you about why we have to do our homework and what will happen if you don't.

Why do we need to do homework?

We need to do our homework because if you don't you will get in trouble and your teacher might will tell your parents, you might get in huge trouble,  also if you did your homework but you didn't bring it to give your work in on time, because your teacher might think you are lying or giving excuses to them, your  going to get in trouble as well. You don't want your teacher to not trust you, don't you.

What happens if you don't do your homework?

If you don't do your homework, you might possibly have to receive punishments, for example writing an extra essay. Or maybe something like this, writing about Why we have to do our homework. If you did your homework, you won't have to do something like this, get punishments and you will get better grades as well.

So after reading this, hope you will finish your homework and hand it in to your teacher on time because if not you know what will happen, but of course, your going to do your homework.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Comic- The evil guy

In ICT, our task was to make a comic using comic life, I was in a group of three, you and take a look of our comic below, The Evil Guy.

Monday, 7 March 2011


During IL (Independent Learning) we learn't how to take notes, just like when people go to a lecture. There are three process of how the internet works.
1. Packet switching
2. TCP/ IP
3. Network to network

At a school, the network connects to a lot of computers, the internet also connect to network around the world. When sending something, from your computer to another computer, it creates something call IP address. The thing that you sent are turned to small packets, which's called Packet switching. It will use the fastest root to send the thing to the IP address, and then it will put it in order so other commuters can use them. Structure of everything is called Network of network.  TCP is Transmission Control Protocol.   Transmission Control Protocol is a system that makes sure the small packets get to where they are suppose to go to where the packets are suppose to be and make sure that they are in the correct order.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Media- Comic

Today in IT lesson, we are learning media comic. This comic strip is called the Garfield, I posted this comic strip, because we are learning about comic and so I can learn more about it before making my own comic stip. I think that this comic's audience is children.

The feature of Garfield comic is that they use speech bubbles and the genre of Garfield comic is that it is a comedy.
You can click on this link http://funwithsmiley.blogspot.com/2009/04/garfield-comics.html to look at where this comic come from.

For more details of comic, you can go on the site below,


Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Case Studies

Case studies are like doing things inappropriately on the internet, for example blogging, there are cases about it too: 

There is a case about a flight attendant being fired by Delta Air Lines, because she posted photos of herself with her working uniform on during working time on an airplane and because she posted the photos on her blog "Queen of Sky: Diary of a Flight Attendant"which her employer considered inappropriate. This case also told us the issue of personal blogging and your freedom of expression against your employer's right and your responsibilities.

There is also another case of blogging, a person called  Petite Anglaise lost her job in Paris at a British accountancy firm. Although she gave a fairly anonymous manner, few descriptions of the firm and some of its people were less than flattering. Sanderson later won a compensation and she claim case against the British firm, but Penelope Trunk wrote an upbeat article in Boston Globe in 2006, "Blogs essential" to a good career. She was one of the first journalist to mention a lot of bloggers are professionals and a well- written blog can help them to attract employers.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Project Summery - Blog

         In this project - blog,  I learnt more about the word ''blog", it is a websites made by different people. A lot of people put a lot of different things to their blog,  for example, recipes. You can add things like videos, links, and audio to your blog too. If you want to embed youtube videos, you can click on the "embed" button below the video, and they will give you a code, then you can copy the code to and post it on your blog, you have to click on the Edit HTML not compose, if not it won't work.

          I've learnt that blogging can be dangerous, here are some reasons that why blogging is dangerous and how can I avoid it:

  • People may go to my house or find you if you put my address on your blog, I can avoid it by not putting your address on your blog.
  • People may also call me if I put my phone number to my blog and they might annoy me, to avoid this, never put my phone number on my blog.
  • Do not put my birthday/ date of birth on my blog because people might know my age.
  • Don't say any bad language when I am posting something.
I have learnt some new words from this project too, for example:

Embed - Its is when getting some information from one website to another website fore example embedding youtube videos to my blog.

Widget - Widget is the information that is being taken from another website to my website, for example, the video you took is the widget.

HTML - It is the language to embed something, for example, when I embed a video to my blog, I have to put a code which the video will give me and when I put the code to HTML, then go back to the normal writing one which is compose, I can get the video.

I embedded a video from youtube, it was about "How to make a blog". I think to embed a video to my blog is very easy because the process is very simple. First I clicked on the "embed" button below, then I copied the code they gave us when I clicked on the  button, then I copied it and put it to Edit HTML when I edit my post, then post it in my blog and it will work. I think embedding library thing was quite hard because the process was quite difficult and I didn't think that we need to make a account, but when my friends told me how to do it, then I thought, why can't I think of that! I think embedding library thing is very cool because it will automatically update the books I put to my blog. Embedding a wordle to my blog is easy too, I just made my wordle and saved it to public gallery, then I clicked on my wordle and they will give me a code below the wordle, I copied it and put it to Edit HTML and it will work. Embedding google docs was quite hard too because it was a bit complicated and embedding delicious was hard because I think it was confusing. 

Having people commenting on my post is good because you can get feedbacks and so I can improve my post by looking at the comments.

Labeling is like tags, at first, I thought Iaqw can just write the labels, but actually I can use a label cloud, it makes it better or useful for the reader. It is very easy to do label cloud on my blog, I went to add gadget and chose label, then I typed in all the labels and it will automatically come out with label cloud.

I have learnt a lot of things from this project, creating my own blog. I have learnt how to embed things to my blog, for example, embedding videos from youtube, embedding things from google doc., and also embedding a wordle to my blog. Before I thought embedding things to my blog is very difficult, but it is very easy. I learnt that you can make labels, and I can use label clouds. I learnt that there are different techniques to make my blog better. It was quite challenging when we had to find answers our-selfs. It is quite hard to find out how to embed google docs and also embed delicious. After Mr. Parker gave us our rubric, when I got home and looked at it, I knew that there where more things that I could have changed or things I could improve on.